Getting a new job is exciting. Whether this is your first time, or you’re just looking for tips as an adult, knowing what to put on your application if you are homeschooled is essential. Regrettably, a few employers still discriminate openly against homeschoolers. You probably don’t want to work for them anyhow, but it’s easier if you know what to say. For most companies, finding a homeschooler is like finding a diamond ring in your yard, a real bonus. Since homeschoolers tend to be highly motivated, self-driven, and capable, they make superb employees. Moreover, homeschoolers inherently tend to know how to problem-solve with out-of-the-box thinking, which can save a lot of trouble. I’ll explain what to put on those job applications for the best results and talk a bit about pre-graduation jobs for older students.
What should I put on my application if I was homeschooled? When filling out a job application, write the name of your homeschool under the high school category. It helps if your parents give the homeschool a name that isn’t their own last name, but ultimately it shouldn’t matter. Your qualifications and interview will make the most difference. Those still attending school, simply put down ‘currently enrolled’ instead of under the diploma and GED category.
What To Put On Your Application When You Were Homeschooled
The question of what to put on a job application if you were homeschooled comes up for most homeschool grads. Although some businesses still hold to bizarre and untrue ideas about homeschoolers, most companies are more than pleased to find a homeschooler’s application in their HR department because homeschoolers are amazing workers. A custom-tailored education without public schools’ concerns and distractions is a fantastic way to learn and prepare yourself for adult life. More than ever before, companies are seeing the true benefit of better-educated homeschoolers.
Until recently, most people believed and were taught that the best way to succeed in life was through public or private school, then college education. However, with technology and other changes in the way we live as a whole, many of the most prestigious employers have begun dropping the ‘degree only’ qualifications and trading up for skilled workers who can demonstrate their ability.
Along with this change, and the ever-increasing popularity of homeschooling, more information has become public knowledge. Likewise, more studies have been done to show how effective homeschool truly is than a more traditional format education. As a result, fields, and jobs that were once closed to any non-traditional applicant are now actively seeking them out because they perform better. That’s great news for homeschoolers.
Unfortunately, change is slow to take effect. There are still companies that look down on homeschool education. Likely this is due to the personal bias of the individuals doing the hiring or outdated policies that do more harm than good. Similarly, these companies may not be healthy work environments because they care more for a paperwork formula than they do for seeking and appropriately compensating the best people for the job.
If you get rejected, let it go and aim higher. Plenty of businesses dream of having an employee like you and only ‘settle for’ other applicants because they are easily available.
Filling Out Your Application Concisely and Confidently
When people ask about filling out an application as a homeschooler, they are specifically referring to the high school education question. What should you put down if you have a homeschool diploma?
Some applications only have a ‘check yes or no’ option. If you graduated, you should check yes. Do not feel obligated to volunteer details. A public school student doesn’t have to justify a checkmark where it’s earned, and neither do you.
Confidence and presentation matter when you are looking for work, which begins before any hiring manager ever speaks to you. Applications exist to weed out the unqualified, and that is not who you are. Write answers with good penmanship and without unnecessary words or pointless self-inflation.
For example, a manager wants to know that you work well with others. It’s okay to list that you helped organize volunteers for a charity one year, but they don’t want to hear about how cool the charity was or how much they needed your help. Add it to your job experience, skills, or qualifications, provide contact information to verify, and leave it at that.
They will ask you in person if they want to hear about it. Otherwise, that hiring manager still needs to read other applications. They probably won’t look kindly on a waste of their time, but an efficient prospective employee with relevant experience is always welcome.
Plus, overcomplicating your app looks messy and makes it harder to read. A clear, concise application is far more likely to get pushed through to the next hiring stage than a rambling mess with overly wordy explanations where none were required or requested. Don’t overthink it; check the box.
When an application asks for your school name and address, answer honestly. Put down the name of your homeschool, and don’t lie about it. Lies on an application can get you fired later on down the line. If you’re concerned, ask your parents to give their homeschool a nice name that isn’t just the family name. You may even ask them to get a post office box for mail, though the efficiency and usefulness of the separate address haven’t been fully tested.
If your parents refuse, then put down the name they give you. You may also want to keep a copy of your state’s law on homeschooling and a copy of your diploma and transcript on hand in case someone asks. Most places don’t ask, and they don’t background check diplomas, but it can happen. Being prepared for this is merely another way to show how truly qualified you are for the position.
Should Teenage Homeschoolers Get Jobs
Adult grads aren’t the only homeschoolers who need to fill out applications. Teens who are still in school often want to seek employment as well. Whether it is to pay for a car, save for college, or an apartment when they get old enough, or get experience and buy stuff they like, many teens are job seekers. Should you let an older homeschooler get a job?
The answer depends on the student. Naturally, if you have a struggling student who isn’t absorbing the material well, focusing on studies may be the better decision. Instead of working for a paycheck, consider having them work with a tutor to bring their grades up first. If they insist, then support them by allowing a weekends-only job so they can earn money and gain confidence in their ability to ‘adult’ for themselves.
Other homeschoolers who do not have trouble with their work should be encouraged to choose mature activities like part-time work. Not only will the experience benefit them financially, but they will also learn other life lessons along the way. Moreover, it adds to a well-rounded resume in the future and gives them a safe out-of-the-house experience where they can socialize, make friends, and feel pride in their non-school achievements.
Unless working interferes with their studies, there’s no real reason to dissuade a teen from working for themselves. This natural extension of their independence is a healthy outlet and overall beneficial opportunity. Please do your best to help them have realistic expectations of their first job, and assist them in securing a position that suits their personality and furthers their goals insofar as is possible. For example, a student who loves people will do well in customer service or food service. Still, a quieter child who prefers their own company might be happier working as a private housekeeper while the homeowner is at work or walking dogs for people on vacation.
Do Homeschoolers Need Work Permits
If your homeschooler is still a minor or still in school, there may be some limits to their legal work availability. When filling out a job application, your homeschooler or minor needs to be honest and fill out the requested information completely. According to, homeschoolers don’t need work permits. However, it’s always best to check with the local labor board to see any new legal developments in your area.
Underage employees are limited in the number of hours they may work. Typically these limits are around three hours per day on a school week or eighteen hours, and up to, but not exceeding forty hours per week during non-school weeks. These restrictions vary by state.
Final Thoughts
Lots of homeschoolers and former homeschoolers are seeking jobs. While they are not alone in this, the unique qualifications of that high-quality education can help you stand out from the crowd. Anything that gets you noticed and makes you memorable is a significant boon when interviewing.
There’s no reason to be ashamed of a homeschool diploma. In fact, homeschool grads have a higher success rate in college and make truly superb employees despite some unfortunate lingering myths about homeschool. Be confident and present a well-put-together resume, and you will have the job in no time.
Remember that jobs will always be a competitive issue, and show off your best side to potential employers. Most companies are far more concerned with your qualifications than they are with where you obtained them.